Published on May 28, 2004 By WhiteMoonRose In Dating
What is it with men? They want you to feel valued, cherished and all these things but when it comes right down to it, if you get affection from anyone but them forget it! If you have any ties to anyone else, even frinedly forget it! They are jelous, they rethink their position in your life, they worry, they panic. They back away in fear.

I'm in a position in my life where I'm free, for the first time free to flirt and smile at who i choose. I'm free to live on my own, see who i wnat when i want, free to dance in my underwear in my livingroom! But people seem to think they an put limitations on my space, personal space and personal time. Why?? What do I owe anyone that they can tell me what I should do? I am sweet, I am kind, why can't i just go around with who I want? Why are there these "dramatic" serious decisions to everything?!

*chews on stick* Oh I cna't see you if you want to see him, I can't talk to you if you tlak to him. Lighten up! If i mattered that much to any of you, it wouldn't matter! After all whose given me my life? Noone! I am a free person, to make my own choices. And I want to live! Forget the rest then. Forget relationships theya re just too complicated atm. Why bother? I don't need that crap now.

I love the attention, the care, the smiles and hugs and happy moments. I like sharing my life. But why in God does it always have to be all or nothing?! Why can't these people be happy with what i give them? They always want more. I can't give more right now. I have me to take care of and I do a crappy job of it as it is. Why make crappy choices....


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